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  • Kaspar's avatar
    Feat/travis ci setup (#4) · e3843976
    Kaspar authored
    * chore: initial travis file
    it is only a experiment, as I'm doing this for the first time
    * chore: add missing database config
    * fix: silly c&p mistakes
    * chore: trying to do it without db creation in before
    * chore: fix db creation that needs sudo on pg9.6
    * chore: trying another db config
    * fix: try pointing to right socket path
    * fix: another tryal to get psql cooperating
    * fix: another another try to fix pgsql
    * chore: try travis for the last time
    * chore: well travis might work
    * chore: travis' postgres is blocking
    * chore: trying to get travis pg running ... still
    * chore: chose better db names
    they do not need to be escaped this way
    * chore: slicker travis conf try
    * chore: disable CapitalizedSubject check from overcommit
    * chore: drop test db before setup
    * chore: drop obsolete rvm ruby version setting
    * chore: add build status images to readme
    * chore: match naming for future merge
    * chore: remove junc config include
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