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refactor: gitlab jobs abstraction

Marco Wettstein requested to merge refactor-gitlab-jobs into main


  • preparation for #22
  • makes a more clear distinction between gitlab jobs and catladder jobs
  • should make it easier in the future to create non-gitlab pipelines

there was a bit of confusion of what is a gitlab job and what is a catladder job, in particular how jobs are adressed.

In catladder, we always have a path componentName-->env-->job and things like needs can adress other components as well. In gitlab, you have a flat list of jobs and each job needs a distinct name, so we had to give a full name to jobs that contains env and componentName. However this was done in a bit of an inconsistent way. There was a "patching" of catladderJobs that just renamed its jobName as well as references to other components (like needs or on_stop). Now this transformation happens where the transition of catladderJob to gitlab job happens. This is a clear separation

Merge request reports