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Snippets Groups Projects

starter challenge

The challenge

Your challenge is to create a good old todo app. Boring, i know, but still a good exercise:

  • A logged in user should be able to create new Todo-lists
  • A list should have some title and of course Todos
  • A todo has some title and whether it's done
  • users can have multiple todolists
  • everything should be persisted in the database
  • use apollo queries and mutations to fetch and update data
  • other users or not logged in users should not see other's todolists

Feel free to spice things up, make it beautiful, fancy, add more functionality, etc.


This is a nextjs project with

getting started

run yarn dev to run it locally on localhost:3000

Env vars

You need to define some env vars, see .env.template.

You additionaly need to create oauth credentials to signin with google ( You can also replace

db schema changes

edit schema.prisma to adjust the schema. Make sure to use the Prisma vscode extension for formatting, syntax highlighting and automatically set references correctly.

Then, run yarn prisma migrate dev to create a migration and push your changes to the DB

Adjust graphql api

Add new types in src/graphql/types and import them into the schema. If the name of a type matches a prisma Model, you can use to forward the fields. If you just adjusted the prisma schema, you sometimes have to restart the server